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○ Rainmaker who Loves Cloudy Weather
光曜 雨冷

Amehiya Koyo

Species: Ameonna
Abilities: Make Rain

Amehiya appears in the magic forest making a strong rain.

A negative aura is impregned on her. But she don't know.

She confront the player because she thinks that "the youkais never can have fun".
She is new on Gensokyo, and don't know the rules.

But she have a new trick under her belt...

○ Spirit of Autumn
鳶色 あかね

Akane Tobiiro

Species: Divine Spirit
Abilities: Make the Leaves Fall, Control the Arrival of Autumn

Akane appears to control the arrival of autumn in Gensokyo.

The reasons of why she chose the Forest of Magic are unknown.

She's quite clueless and doesn't care what season is actually.

○ Guardian of The Dimensional Barrier

深海 清純

Seijun Shinkai

Species: Youkai
Abilities: Create Barriers and Portals

Deep in the Final Decision Ocean, Seijun is watching the Dimensional Barrier.

Many youkai has crossed the barrier without permission, but she can't do much because they're using a new trick...

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